Show 2024 Antwerpen Royal Fine Arts Academy


SHOW + EXPO 2024 — it’s a wrap!

This weekend, over 5000 fashion lovers visited the Waagnatie to admire the work of Fashion department students. The commitment, artistry and creativity of the students together with the fashion show’s scenography and choreography made it an unforgettable weekend!

Tickets for the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Fashion Faculty’s annual Show 2024 have sold out, but an announcement on the website encourages those wishing to “try their luck at the door of the show”.

And it’s worth it. This time around, the show is early — 31-1 at the turn of May/June.

With the arrival of a new artistic director, American Brandon Wen (with all due respect to the “retired” Walter Van Beirendonck of the famous Antwerp Six), the Show has become more dynamic, more artistic, more lively. Dramaturgically professionally built — the first show in complete silence, in which you can hear the breathlessness of the audience, with ballet intramedio in the show of historical costume (2-nd year) and up to grind sound emotions of the listener famous Carmina Burana. Brandon himself, who never changes his love for feathers, was a white swan that evening, fluttering from fans eager for a photo with the star to fashion industry professionals who came to the Show from all over the world. His appointment is, in my opinion, one of the fortunes of an Academy with an international student body and English language teaching, but still quite Flemish in HR policy.

Every year a group of alumni of the Antwerp Fashion Department present their installations at offSHOW. For this second edition Alise Anna Dzirniece, Florentina Leitner, REantwerp (led by Tim Van Steenbergen) and NONSTOP WORLDWIDE (by Yentsé) were invited to showcase.

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