Кто в юности увлекался книгами о полярных путешествиях норвежского путешественника Руаля Амудсена (как я), Вам на выставку “Naar Antarctica” в музее MAS в Антверпене. Фокус выставки не на его личности, конечно, а на истории судна “Belgica”, которое покинуло Антверпен...
(10 April-8 September 2024) When Nicholas Fox Weber, president of the “Josef and Anni Albers Foundation” saw our favourite Villa Empain in Brussels, he exclaimed: “this is the perfect place for a retrospective exhibition of such a big names in...
The most interesting art projects take place at the borders of genres and styles. In 2024, the Middelheim Open Air Sculpture Museum not only carried out a total landscape renovation and relocation of sculptures, but also opened a new exhibition “Come...
If you approach Antwerp’s oldest building Castle “Het Steen” from the back entrance, you’ll see the headquarters of the Antwerpen Design Week festival (June 2-7, 2024) called “The Club”. About its own design: In the beginning was the charming The...
To gain a deeper understanding of the Belgian surrealist artist (he denied belonging to this movement) Paul Delvaux, one must take in the air and atmosphere of the North Sea town of St. Idesbald by visiting the Foundation Paul Delvaux. What we did, led by art...