The fashion for spending time on a rooftop is spreading across Europe and Antwerp is no exception. From 20 to 22 September, the city on the Schelde will host DAKkanfest. A play on the word ‘dak’ (roof) and the modal verb of open possibilities. In addition to the usual...
As part of ‘Brussels Design September 2024′ If you are not familiar with this name yet and you are interested in design, make a note in your notebook – Lionel Jadot is in 1st place in the ”Belgian design’ section. In 2024 he was recognised as ‘designer of...
As part of Brussels Design September 2024. The term ‘Czech glass’ resonates to my generation with the sound of crystal, popular in wealthy families. I once won a chocolate-coloured vase with gold veins at the amusement park (I was unreasonably lucky in my youth, even...
As part of Brussels Design September 2024. The Victor Horta Museum in Brussels, itself beautiful and worth a visit, continues its successful collaboration with artists and designers in Belgium. From 12 September, there is another reason to come to rue Américaine 27....
Every year I look forward to Brussels Design September and in 2024 its start (12 September) pleased me with interesting, innovative, exciting projects, which I will be happy to talk about in my reports. The opening took place at the Dominican Hotel (once the Dominican...